Stop animals from getting exposed to deadly radiation by scaring them away with the drone.

  • WASD to move
  • Get close to an animal to scare it
  • Use the charging pad to regain power
  • Running out of power will cost a life
  • Don't let the animals cross into the radiation
  • 5 Dead animals will cost a life
  • Upgrades will be presented after every 5 waves
  • Scared animals have a chance of dropping upgrades

Music: DavidKBD - Pink Bloom Pack - 09 - Lightyear City
Animal Sprites: MinifolksForestAnimals


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Not able to play it unfortunately. I believe there should be a box you can check when you edit your page around where you uploaded the gamefile about SharedArrayBuffer that you have to turn on which I think fixes it

Thanks for informing me about this, SharedArrayBuffer is turned on so,, what browser are you using?

i actually think the problem is that i was looking at it through the "play random game" thing on itch but if i go directly to your page it works

ah yeah, i just got that issue on a game i was just trying to play through the randomizer lmao

also id just like to say your game is awesome. Great idea and gameplay loop and it looks great as well :)

thx so much!!